Our Mission:

Brighter Days.

Created to address chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease in vulnerable populations.


Our Clinics

Our initial clinics will be built in federally designed Healthcare Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) and/or Medically Underserved Areas (MUA). This means that there is a severe lack of doctors, high infant mortality rate and high poor or elderly population. Many of the residents in these communities summer from chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease which is in large part due to lack of access to healthcare.


According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, there are 7 components that need to be addressed to improve outcomes for minorities.

  • Healthcare access is a fundamental pillar in reducing disparities among minority communities. This component focuses on ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their racial or ethnic background, have equitable access to healthcare services. This includes removing barriers such as geographic limitations, transportation issues, and wait times that may disproportionately affect minority populations.

  • Adequate health insurance coverage is crucial for individuals to access healthcare services without the burden of high costs. Ensuring that minorities have access to affordable and comprehensive insurance options is a critical aspect of addressing healthcare disparities. This component aims to eliminate the disparities in insurance coverage, making quality healthcare more accessible.

  • Improving health literacy among minority populations is essential for promoting better health outcomes. Health literacy refers to an individual's ability to understand and make informed decisions about their health. Addressing this component involves providing culturally sensitive health information and resources to empower individuals to take control of their health.

  • Resource utilization focuses on ensuring that healthcare resources, such as facilities, medical professionals, and equipment, are distributed equitably among different communities. It seeks to eliminate resource disparities that may hinder access to quality care in minority neighborhoods.

  • Ensuring that minority populations receive the same high-quality care as their non-minority counterparts is a critical aspect of reducing healthcare disparities. Quality of care encompasses the provision of evidence-based, culturally competent, and patient-centered healthcare services that meet the unique needs of diverse communities.

  • Language should never be a barrier to receiving appropriate healthcare. Addressing language discrimination involves providing language-accessible services, such as interpreters and translated materials, to facilitate communication between healthcare providers and patients who may not be proficient in the dominant language.

  • Building trust between minority populations and the healthcare system is essential. Historical and contemporary issues have led to distrust in the healthcare system among some minority communities. Addressing this component involves engaging with these communities, acknowledging their concerns, and working to rebuild trust through transparency, cultural competence, and community engagement.


Did you know?

The chronic disease burden is concentrated among communities with low-income households. Underserved communities are more vulnerable to increased exposure to risks and decreased access to health services. Chronic diseases can cause poverty in individuals and families, and draw them into a downward spiral of worsening disease and poverty. African Americans have the HIGHEST death rates from heart disease and stroke compared to other races.



chronic disease disparity

Diabetes is TWICE as prevalent among African Americans than other races.



heart disease in african americans

African Americans are 30% more likely to die of heart disease than white American men.



weight management

Nearly 80% of African American women are overweight or obese which is the highest among all races.